MUGEN Database
MUA3 Ant-Man
Artwork from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order



Oldest version

Arkady's version (2013)

Newest version

Arkady's version (2013)



Ant-Man (also known as Hank Pym) is a fictional super hero from the Marvel Comics universe. He first appeared in Tales to Astonish #27 as a regular scientist, but became the superhero Ant-Man in Tales to Astonish #35. He was once married to the Wasp, aka Janet Van Dyne, but they had a divorce in the 80's.

Originally trying to save himself from his own creation, the growth-influencing Pym Particles, Hank Pym began using the particles to fight crime. Originally he could shrink and communicate with ants, but he eventually gained another persona, Giant Man, and the ability to grow. He has had several personas, including Yellow Jacket and Goliath, but he is most well known for Ant-Man. He, alongside his wife at the time, helped form the Avengers.

In M.U.G.E.N, Ant-Man has been made once by Arkady.

Arkady's version[]


Based on Hank Pym, this character is not only Ant Man, but Giant Man and Yellow Jacket as well. Equipped with the EOH template, it is filled with bugs. Not just talking about the ants.

Marvel Comics
Characters AbominationAgent VenomAnt ManApocalypseBlack PantherBlackheartBlobCableCalibanCaptain AmericaCarnageColossusDeadpoolDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeElectroGalactusGambitGhost RiderHulkIcemanInvisible WomanIron ManJuggernautMagnetoMr. FantasticNamorNick FuryNightcrawlerOmega RedOnslaughtPhoenixPyroRadioactive ManRogueSabretoothSandmanScreamSentinelSentryShe-HulkSpider-HulkSpider-ManSymbiote Spider-ManThanosThorVenomWar MachineWolverine
Stages AvalonBaxter BuildingGamma BaseMutant HuntingRhino RampageSavage LandThe DeepThe Spider's Web