MUGEN Database
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Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection)
Arthur as he appears in Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection



Oldest version

Unknown version (2001)

Newest version

Gladiacloud, Beximus & ShinZankuro's version (2017)


Ghosts 'n Goblins

Arthur is the main protagonist of Ghosts 'n Goblins series. Arthur also makes prominent appearances in the Marvel vs. Capcom series as a playable character.

In his quest he tries to restore the souls stolen by Lucifer including the soul of his lover, Princess Prin Prin. Along the way, Arthur can pick up a variety of weapons and armor to help him in his quest. His default weapon loadout includes steel armor that disintegrates whenever Arthur is hit by enemies, and a lance that he can throw as a projectile weapon.

In M.U.G.E.N, Arthur has been made by various creators.

Acey & Sludge's version[]


Hear ye, hear ye! Prin Prin's knight in shining armor, Arthur has six buttons and uses the SMVC template!

Marvel vs. Capcom
X-Men vs Street Fighter Characters AkumaApocalypseCharlie NashChun-LiDhalsimGambitJuggernautKen MastersMagnetoM. BisonRogueRyuSabretoothWolverineZangief
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Characters BlackheartCaptain AmericaCyber AkumaHulkOmega RedSakura KasuganoSpider-Man
Marvel vs. Capcom Characters Captain CommandoJin SaotomeMega ManMorrigan AenslandOnslaughtRollVenomWar Machine
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Characters AbyssAmingoCableColossusDoctor DoomFeliciaGuileIcemanIron ManSentinelThanos
(Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Characters Albert WeskerArthurDeadpoolDoctor StrangeGalactusGhost RiderPhoenixPhoenix WrightShe-HulkThorVergilZero
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Characters Black PantherMega Man X
Stages AvalonDr. Wily's BaseGlacier RideKapukon YuNeo St. PetersburgThe Spider's Web
Full Games Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes