An idea for this page[]
I've been thinking about this post on the spewgen wiki regarding the amount of characters that have never used the SGS in canon. I have a few ideas on how to fix it:
1. We could split this category into "canon users of the raging demon" and "non-canon users of the raging demon." Maybe we could have the former category being for main articles and the latter one being for branch articles for specific chars with the raging demon.
2. We only confine this to canon characters, and put a notice that non-canon characters don't count.
3. We could make this a branch only category so people won't think that every spongebob char has an SGS.
4. ...
5. PROFIT! (sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Those are my ideas for what to do with this problematic category page. I personally think number 1 is the best course of action. Be sure to let me know what you think.
You... you killed my Daffy... (talk) 19:40, December 12, 2014 (UTC)
This is supposed to be a version-specific category.
◥ PLASMOIDTHUNDER ◤ (user | talk) 22:07, December 12, 2014 (UTC)
Number 2 doesn't seem like such a good idea. It's like saying a character shouldn't be categorized as having a parry because they didn't in the source game. #3 seems to be what Plas is saying and makes sense. I like #1 also; it would convey more information. The problem is that some canon characters have versions that don't use it and some that do. I would love to #5, but it looks like it will just be a labor of love editing here.
MDF The CornflakerTalk
22:41, December 12, 2014 (UTC)