MUGEN Database
MUGEN Database
SFDuel - Hakan Render
Artwork from Street Fighter: Duel



Oldest version

Chuchoryu's version (2015)

Newest version

Chuchoryu's version (2015)


Street Fighter

Hakan is a character from the Street Fighter franchise. A large Turkish oil wrestler and devoted family man, he has red skin, turquoise hair worn in symmetrical circular curls and a large mustache. As of Street Fighter 6, he remains the franchise's sole character originating from Turkey.

His first appearance was in Super Street Fighter IV, an expanded standalone version of the original Street Fighter IV, where he was one of the game's new playable characters and one of two newcomers to the overall franchise, alongside Juri Han. As his style of wrestling implies, he drenches himself in oil before competing in any fight, and he strongly believes that his own fighting style is the best in the world. Despite his fondness of oil wrestling, Hakan ultimately loves his family above all else, often spoiling his wife Melike and their seven daughters. He never goes against his wife's wishes, as she can be quite intimidating when angry. Hakan is also close friends with E. Honda. He would return in Ultra Street Fighter IV, but would not make another major appearance until his playable role in the mobile game, Street Fighter: Duel.

In M.U.G.E.N, Hakan has been made once by Chuchoryu, although it currently remains in a beta state.

Chuchoryu's version[]


Currently being in a beta state, Chuchoryu's attempt at bringing over the Turkish oil wrestler comes equipped with edited E. Honda sprites, but no Specials or Hypers. Considering how he often treats his betas, it is unknown if Chuchoryu will oil this character up in the future.



  • 3ha's Shadow Sumou features a mode based on Hakan, with its move-set based primarily on his Super Street Fighter IV incarnation.
Street Fighter
Characters AkumaAlexBirdieBlankaCharlie NashChun-LiCodyCyber AkumaDhalsimEvil RyuGillGoukenGuileHakanIbukiIngridJuri HanKen MastersM. BisonOniPoisonRyuSagatSakura KasuganoSkullomaniaUrienVegaYunZangief
Street Fighter I Stages Block Head's PubLakeside CastleMount RushmoreRailroad Station
Street Fighter II Stages Battle HarborKapukon YuSFII Hong KongShopping District, Taiping RoadSuzaku CastleTemple Hideout
Street Fighter Alpha Stages Adon's Stage (SFA)Akuma's Stage (SFA)Charlie's Stage (SFA)Chun-Li's Stage (SFA)Dan's Stage (SFA)Guy's Stage (SFA)Ken's Stage (SFA)M. Bison's Stage (SFA)Ryu's Stage (SFA)Sagat's stage (SFA)Sodom's Stage (SFA)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Stages Australian OutbackBeijing Rush HourGouki's IslandHappy birthday, ElizaHighway InterceptionHong Kong MarketIn the eyes of BuddhaKabuki TruckerLove In VeniceMetro City, USA (SFA2)Metro City SkylineOnboard the VTOLRestroom RumpusRundown Back AlleyRussian SteelworksSakura's HouseTemple of GaneshaThai MarshVenezuela (SFA2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Stages Australian OutbackBattle Over AthensBrazilian RainforestBuddha on The RiverDesolate PlaygroundFortune Teller's PadHeavy SwellHonda's DohyouHong Kong TournamentHotel MastersIndian PartyJailbreakJamaican ClubKanzuki CruiserKiga CaveLas VegasLost CivilizationMi Casa Es Su CasaMidnight TrainwreckMilitary TrainPrepare For TakeoffRainbow RingSecret Point 48106Segataya-ku Train StationTai Chi Practice At 6:10 A.MTower of ShogunUnderground HeadquartersVictoria Harbor
Street Fighter III Stages Home, Sweet HomeKousyu StreetSuzaku Castle