MUGEN Database
There are versions of this character available that don't have their own branch articles!
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Invisible Woman
MUA3 Invisible Woman
Artwork from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order



Oldest version

Angelic Charon's version (2009)

Newest version

087-B and JJkoolaid's version (2019)


The Fantastic Four

Invisible Woman, formerly known as Invisible Girl and real name Susan "Sue" Storm-Richards, is a super-heroine character from Marvel Comics, where she is one of the four founding members of the aptly named superhero team, the Fantastic Four. First appearing in 1961 in the first issue of the Fantastic Four comic, she is also the only female of the group.

Upon being bombarded with cosmic rays while in space and crashing their ship, Sue, along with the rest of her teammates, realised that they had suddenly gained super-powers. Sue has the ability to make her completely invisible, which allows her to easily sneak up on enemies or complete stealth missions without any issues. She is married to Reed Richards, whom is the also the leader of the Fantastic Four. Their other teammates are Sue's brother, Johnny Storm/Human Torch, and Ben Grimm/The Thing. As the Fantastic Four, they have fought villains such as Galactus and the Silver Surfer, but their most frequent and iconic opponent is the evil monarch of Latveria, Doctor Doom.

In M.U.G.E.N, Invisible Woman has been made by various authors.

087-B and JJkoolaid's version[]


Using Arkady's sprites as a base and being worked on as a collaborative project, rather than a one man band, this version of Sue shockingly shows up on the scene with a gameplay style inspired by Marvel vs Capcom 2 -- no surprise, as she's made for the Legacy Age of Heroes project. Her speed is greatly increased, and her stats are shuffled to make her more of a fast tank with below average health. However, don't underestimate her combo skills -- you will simply not see them coming.

Marvel Comics
Characters AbominationAgent VenomAnt ManApocalypseBlack PantherBlackheartBlobCableCalibanCaptain AmericaCarnageColossusDeadpoolDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeElectroGalactusGambitGhost RiderHulkIcemanInvisible WomanIron ManJuggernautMagnetoMr. FantasticNamorNick FuryNightcrawlerOmega RedOnslaughtPhoenixPyroRadioactive ManRogueSabretoothSandmanScreamSentinelSentryShe-HulkSpider-HulkSpider-ManSymbiote Spider-ManThanosThorVenomWar MachineWolverine
Stages AvalonBaxter BuildingGamma BaseMutant HuntingRhino RampageSavage LandThe DeepThe Spider's Web