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Juri Han
Juri SF6 Render
Artwork from Street Fighter 6


Werewood & Orbinaut


Werewood & Orbinaut's version
chuchoryu's version


Street Fighter

Juri Han is a character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing as a playable character in Super Street Fighter IV, and later in Ultra Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter V. She also made an appearance in the crossover game Street Fighter X Tekken.

Juri is a Tae Kwon Do master and is the series' first Korean character. She is as sadistic as she is sarcastic and fights for pleasure and the thrill of delivering pain onto her opponents. Her left eye is replaced with a device that gives her an incredible power boost called the Feng Shui Engine. Juri is a femme fatale character, meaning that she is often flirty in both her mannerisms and speech, often poking fun at the opponent. She is shown to be working closely with M. Bison.

In M.U.G.E.N, Juri Han has been made twice: once by Werewood & Orbinaut, and once by Chuchoryu. In both versions, all of Juri's sprites are directly copied from SSF4.

Werewood & Orbinaut's version[]

Juri's strength comes from her kicking abilities. While she does her a projectile attack, her kicks are more useful than any of her abilities. Juri can devastate the foes with an aerial special kick that turns into an easy combo, and she can also dodge the enemy's attack with a well timed "taunt" move.


Street Fighter
Characters AkumaAlexBirdieBlankaCharlie NashChun-LiCodyCyber AkumaDhalsimEvil RyuGillGoukenGuileHakanIbukiIngridJuri HanKen MastersM. BisonOniPoisonRyuSagatSakura KasuganoSkullomaniaUrienVegaYunZangief
Street Fighter I Stages Block Head's PubLakeside CastleMount RushmoreRailroad Station
Street Fighter II Stages Battle HarborKapukon YuSFII Hong KongShopping District, Taiping RoadSuzaku CastleTemple Hideout
Street Fighter Alpha Stages Adon's Stage (SFA)Akuma's Stage (SFA)Charlie's Stage (SFA)Chun-Li's Stage (SFA)Dan's Stage (SFA)Guy's Stage (SFA)Ken's Stage (SFA)M. Bison's Stage (SFA)Ryu's Stage (SFA)Sagat's stage (SFA)Sodom's Stage (SFA)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Stages Australian OutbackBeijing Rush HourGouki's IslandHappy birthday, ElizaHighway InterceptionHong Kong MarketIn the eyes of BuddhaKabuki TruckerLove In VeniceMetro City, USA (SFA2)Metro City SkylineOnboard the VTOLRestroom RumpusRundown Back AlleyRussian SteelworksSakura's HouseTemple of GaneshaThai MarshVenezuela (SFA2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Stages Australian OutbackBattle Over AthensBrazilian RainforestBuddha on The RiverDesolate PlaygroundFortune Teller's PadHeavy SwellHonda's DohyouHong Kong TournamentHotel MastersIndian PartyJailbreakJamaican ClubKanzuki CruiserKiga CaveLas VegasLost CivilizationMi Casa Es Su CasaMidnight TrainwreckMilitary TrainPrepare For TakeoffRainbow RingSecret Point 48106Segataya-ku Train StationTai Chi Practice At 6:10 A.MTower of ShogunUnderground HeadquartersVictoria Harbor
Street Fighter III Stages Home, Sweet HomeKousyu StreetSuzaku Castle