MUGEN Database
MUGEN Database
Kalos Pokémon League
Klinklang is about to feel the full force of Pikaman's Zangief impression on GarchompMatt's Kalos Pokemon League




EXShadow's version
GarchompMatt's edit

Kalos Pokémon League is the Pokémon League of the Kalos region, situated north of Victory Road in the middle of Routes 21 and 22. It makes an appearance as a selectable stage in both Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Having defeated all eight of the region's Gym Leaders and earned their respective Gym Badges, the Pokémon League stands as the final test for any Pokémon Trainer wanting to become the region's next Pokémon Champion; Trainers must first defeat the League's Elite Four, which consists of Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom and Drasna, before challenging the region's current Pokémon Champion, Diantha.

In M.U.G.E.N, Kalos Pokémon League has been created by EXShadow under the name of 'Pokemon Gym', which in turn was edited by GarchompMatt to allow the stage to work in versions of M.U.G.E.N prior to M.U.G.E.N 1.1. It is directly based on Kalos Pokémon League Ω from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and appears to use graphical assets from it.

EXShadow's version[]

Pokemon Gym
This stage does not feature any music





Zoom in


Zoom out


Super Jump




EXShadow's version, despite being named 'Pokemon Gym', is effectively a replica of the Kalos Pokémon League Ω stage from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, complete with graphical assets that have seemingly been ripped directly from the game itself. The stage features a slight tint that brightens the entire stage, as well as animation in the form of various torches in the background, a flowing blue ring on top of the main platform, a flowing cyan ring around the sides of the main platform and a column of light that periodically shines down on the very centre of the main platform. Although the stage isn't particularly wide, it is fairly tall, allowing for visibility of Super Jumps and subsequent air combos in combination with its lenient camera zoom; because of the camera zoom, as well as the scaledeltas used as part of the stage's parallax, Pokemon Gym will only function properly in M.U.G.E.N 1.1.


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GarchompMatt's edit[]

Kalos Pokemon League
'Battle! (Elite Four)' from Pokémon X and Y*





Super Jump




Click to show/hide stage data

This edit is visually identical to the original, though features such as camera zoom and parallax with scaledeltas have been removed in order for the stage to function properly in versions of M.U.G.E.N that predate M.U.G.E.N 1.1; to compensate for the lack of camera zoom, the stage camera's vertical boundaries have been increased significantly.

Generation I Pokémon AlakazamBeedrillBellsproutBulbasaurCharizardCharmanderCharmeleonDiglettPoliwrathDittoDoduoEeveeFlareonGastlyGengarGyaradosHaunterJigglypuffJolteonKoffingMagikarpMagnemiteMagnetonMarowakMewtwo (Mega Y) • MukNidokingOmanyteOnixPikachuPsyduckRaichuSnorlaxWeepinbellWeezingWigglytuff
Generation II Pokémon CelebiChikoritaEnteiFeraligatrHeracrossLugiaScizorTyranitarUmbreonWobbuffet
Generation III Pokémon BlazikenBreloomDeoxysFlygonGardevoirKyogreMawileMiloticRayquazaRegiceRegisteelSceptileTorchicZangoose
Generation IV Pokémon ArceusDarkraiDialga & PalkiaGalladeGarchompGiratinaGlaceonLucarioMismagiusMunchlaxPachirisuPorygon-ZRampardosRioluRotom
Generation V Pokémon AudinoChandelureDurantKlinklangKrookodileKyuremLilligantMienshaoOshawottScolipedeSolosisStunfiskZoroark
Generation VI Pokémon ChespinClauncherGreninjaHonedgeSylveon
Generation VII Pokémon Incineroar
Humans & Misc. Pokémon Characters GhostMayMissingNo.PikamanRedTwo Two
Stages Bellchime TrailClash of the Weather TrioGateway ColosseumGlitch CityGroudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza BattleHill of the AncientsKalos Pokémon LeagueMareep GrasslandMt.CoronetOutskirt StandPokemon CenterPokémon StadiumRoute 7 - Riviere WalkRuins of AlphSpear PillarThe Meeting PlaceType Wild - Field
Super Smash Bros.
Smash 64 Characters Captain FalconDonkey KongFoxJigglypuffKirbyLinkLuigiMarioNessSamusPikachuYoshi
Melee Characters BowserDr. MarioGanondorfMarthMewtwoMr. Game & WatchPeachZeldaRoy
Brawl Characters Diddy KongKing DededeLucarioLucasMeta KnightPokémon Trainer (Charizard) • R.O.B.SnakeSonicToon LinkZero Suit SamusWario
3DS/Wii U Characters Bowser Jr.CloudDuck HuntGreninjaLittle MacMega ManPac-ManRyuWii Fit Trainer
Ultimate Characters Banjo & KazooieDaisyDark SamusIncineroarKazuya MishimaKenKing K. RoolRidleySephirothSimon BelmontSteveTerry Bogard
Boss Characters DraculaGiga BowserMaster HandMetal FacePorkyRayquazaRidley
Other Characters AshleyMetal MarioMega Mewtwo YPikamanSandbagUltimate ChimeraWario-Man
Stages BattlefieldBig BlueBoxing RingBridge of EldinBrinstarBrinstar DepthsDream LandFinal DestinationFlat ZoneFountain of DreamsFoursideGeothermal Power PlantGreat BayGreen Hill ZoneHalberd HangarJungle JapesKalos Pokémon LeagueLuigi's MansionLylat CruiseMario Bros.Mario CircuitMeta CrystalMiiverseMushroom KingdomMushroom Kingdom IIMute CityNorfairPac-LandPac-Man StagePrincess Peach's CastlePlanet ZebesPokémon StadiumRainbow RoadShadow Moses IslandSmashvilleSpear PillarStage BuilderSuper Smash Bros. Brawl - SunsetSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Melee Fighter Select ScreenSuzaku CastleThe Great Cave OffensiveWarioWare, Inc.Wii Fit StudioYoshi's Island