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Kazuya Mishima
Kazuya Tekken 8
Artwork from Tekken 8



Oldest version


Newest version




Kazuya Mishima is a main character from the Tekken series, initially appearing as a hero of the first installment but eventually being turned into a villain in later installments. Kazuya is a practicioner of the Mishima Style of karate, and appears topless with a black belt and pants with flames on them, although in more modern games, his main appearance is in a black suit and coat.

Kazuya is the son of Heihachi Mishima and Kazumi Mishima, and inherited the Devil Gene from his mother. At five years of age, he found out that his father had killed his mother, and sought revenge on him, but was thrown off a cliff by him upon defeat, where he would determine that surviving the fall would make him his true son. Kazuya survived the fall due to his devil powers, and he would participate in multiple martial arts tournaments as Heihachi continued to raise him. At the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, he tried to take the opportunity to get back at his father, emerging victorious after battling him and throwing him off a cliff afterward. Kazuya took advantage of his father's absence to take control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, but instead of righting the wrongs of his father, he made the corporation more ruthless and evil.

Kazuya is also the father of Jin Kazama, who was born after he met Jun Kazama. He appears in almost every game in the Tekken series outside of Tekken 3, where Jin took his place, and appears in a large majority of crossovers involving the Tekken franchise. Most notably, he appears in Street Fighter X Tekken, which was his first appearance in a two-dimensional (2.5-dimensional in the game's case) fighter, and the Project X Zone series, where he teams up with his son. Kazuya's most recent crossover appearance is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which uses a combination of moves from his Devil form and his regular appearance in the Tekken games. Due to his large role in the franchise, he is considered an important character in the franchise, and also the best to some.

In M.U.G.E.N, Kazuya Mishima has been made by various authors, most of which converting his Tekken appearance to a two-dimensional format. A notable version is RagingRowen's edit of ReddBrink's version, which takes the original author's unfinished beta and turns it into a new character loosely based on his Street Fighter X Tekken appearance.

ReddBrink's versionThis version has been edited[]


Released after the creator lost interest, this DivineWolf-styled version of Kazuya is what was left of an unfinished work-in-progress. While some aspects may not be there, he does keep a good-A Tekken influence, implementing the series' signature strings and utilizing a Crouch Dash for one of his Specials. Despite this, some of his moves may be weaker than they appear, making him somewhat easier to deal with for less-advanced players.

Characters Heihachi MishimaJin KazamaKazuya Mishima
Stages Acid RainCathedralCemeteryEternal DarknessFallen ColonyFontana Di TreviManji ValleyMoonlit WildernessNoh TheaterTiger Dojo TokyoUrban Jungle
Super Smash Bros.
Smash 64 Characters Captain FalconDonkey KongFoxJigglypuffKirbyLinkLuigiMarioNessSamusPikachuYoshi
Melee Characters BowserDr. MarioGanondorfMarthMewtwoMr. Game & WatchPeachZeldaRoy
Brawl Characters Diddy KongKing DededeLucarioLucasMeta KnightPokémon Trainer (Charizard) • R.O.B.SnakeSonicToon LinkZero Suit SamusWario
3DS/Wii U Characters Bowser Jr.CloudDuck HuntGreninjaLittle MacMega ManPac-ManRyuWii Fit Trainer
Ultimate Characters Banjo & KazooieDaisyDark SamusIncineroarKazuya MishimaKenKing K. RoolRidleySephirothSimon BelmontSteveTerry Bogard
Boss Characters DraculaGiga BowserMaster HandMetal FacePorkyRayquazaRidley
Other Characters AshleyMetal MarioMega Mewtwo YPikamanSandbagUltimate ChimeraWario-Man
Stages BattlefieldBig BlueBoxing RingBridge of EldinBrinstarBrinstar DepthsDream LandFinal DestinationFlat ZoneFountain of DreamsFoursideGeothermal Power PlantGreat BayGreen Hill ZoneHalberd HangarJungle JapesKalos Pokémon LeagueLuigi's MansionLylat CruiseMario Bros.Mario CircuitMeta CrystalMiiverseMushroom KingdomMushroom Kingdom IIMute CityNorfairPac-LandPac-Man StagePrincess Peach's CastlePlanet ZebesPokémon StadiumRainbow RoadShadow Moses IslandSmashvilleSpear PillarStage BuilderSuper Smash Bros. Brawl - SunsetSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Melee Fighter Select ScreenSuzaku CastleThe Great Cave OffensiveWarioWare, Inc.Wii Fit StudioYoshi's Island