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Mega Man X
Rockman X DiVE Hunter X
Artwork from Mega Man X DiVE



Oldest version

Ard-Kiro's version (2001)

Newest version

C-Corps's version (2024)


Mega Man X

Mega Man X (commonly known as X) is the main protagonist from the Mega Man X series. X is the successor of the original Mega Man and is Dr. Thomas Light's greatest and final creation; a highly advanced robot designed to have the ability to make his own conscientious decisions and to think on his own. However, fearing that X could use this to turn on humanity, Dr. Light began the process of running diagnostic tests on his systems in order to assure compliance. The tests, however, would take a minimum of 30 years to complete; with his age catching up with him and without a successor to carry on his work, Dr. Light knew he would not live to see these tests to their completion, thus he sealed X away in a capsule while these tests ran, along with a prerecorded message to anyone who may happen to find the capsule warning them not to prematurely open the capsule until these tests are completed.

One hundred years later, X's capsule was discovered by archaeologist Dr. Cain in the ruins of Dr. Light's lab. Dr. Cain was impressed by X's specifications, as they were far ahead of any technology the world had seen. Using X's original blueprints, the first Reploids (short for Replicated Android) were created. However, because they did not undergo the same 30-year testing X did, a design flaw in their systems caused them to become violent, and became known as Mavericks. Throughout the Mega Man X series, X is a Maverick Hunter who fights alongside his partners Zero and Axl in order to maintain peace and stability in the world and protect humans and Reploids alike from Maverick Reploids, though X becomes more of a pacifist as the series progresses.

In M.U.G.E.N, X was created various times. Many of the versions are Marvel vs. Capcom-styled.

Ard-Kiro's version[]

X 2w0 thumb

This Mega Man X, mostly originating from the Mega Man X 32-bit era games, is a pure (and small-sized) S-Class Hunter. Capable of dashing at high speeds and equipped with various weapons that will all put on hold opponents' momentums in the air, this X is not to be fought lightly. Its damage-heavy hypers and strong A.I will finish proving it to the incredulous.


Shazzo's version[]


As with Shazzo's other creations, this version of Mega Man X is an heavy modification of Actarus' Axel Stone. Unlike the latter character, Megaman X heavily relies on projectiles that use some Power, with also using Mega Man's sprites edited to look like X.

Mega Man
Mega Man Classic Characters BassCut ManDr. WilyElec ManGuts ManHornet ManMagnet ManMega ManMettaurNapalm ManProto ManRollShadow ManTerra
Mega Man X Characters Blaze HeatnixChill PenguinFlame HyenardMega Man XVileZero
Mega Man Zero Characters OmegaZero
Mega Man Legends Characters Mega Man Volnutt
Mega Man Star Force Characters Geo Stelar
Stages Air Man's StageArea A - ForestBlizzard Buffalo StageCentral HighwayCut Man's StageCrash Man's StageDr. Wily's BaseDr. Wily's Floating Skull FortressElec Man's StageFire Man's StageHeat Man's StageIce Man's StageInami TempleKattelox IslandLight LabsMetalman’s stageTomahawk Man StageYellow Devil Stage
Marvel vs. Capcom
X-Men vs Street Fighter Characters AkumaApocalypseCharlie NashChun-LiDhalsimGambitJuggernautKen MastersMagnetoM. BisonRogueRyuSabretoothWolverineZangief
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Characters BlackheartCaptain AmericaCyber AkumaHulkOmega RedSakura KasuganoSpider-Man
Marvel vs. Capcom Characters Captain CommandoJin SaotomeMega ManMorrigan AenslandOnslaughtRollVenomWar Machine
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Characters AbyssAmingoCableColossusDoctor DoomFeliciaGuileIcemanIron ManSentinelThanos
(Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Characters Albert WeskerArthurDeadpoolDoctor StrangeGalactusGhost RiderPhoenixPhoenix WrightShe-HulkThorVergilZero
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Characters Black PantherMega Man X
Stages AvalonDr. Wily's BaseGlacier RideKapukon YuNeo St. PetersburgThe Spider's Web
Full Games Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes