MUGEN Database
MUGEN Database
Mega Mewtwo Y
Mewtwo MegaY
Artwork from Pokémon X and Y


Gladiacloud & Solarflared

Oldest version

Gladiacloud & Solarflared's version (2018)

Newest version

Gladiacloud & Solarflared's version (2018)



Mega Mewtwo Y is a Psychic-type Mega Evolved Pokémon from the Pokémon series that serves as one of two possible Mega Evolutions of Mewtwo, the other being Mega Mewtwo X. Like its base form, it appears at #150 in both the Kanto and National Pokédexes.

Like most Mega Evolved Pokémon, Mega Mewtwo Y requires a Mewtwo to have a close bond with its trainer and be holding its respective Mega Stone, which then reacts with its trainer's Key Stone in battle to trigger the Mega Evolution; because Mewtwo has two possible Mega Evolutions, Mewtwo will only become Mega Mewtwo Y if it is holding the Mewtwonite Y Mega Stone. Like all Mega Evolutions, Mega Mewtwo Y will revert back into Mewtwo once its power is exhausted or a battle ends. When Mewtwo Mega Evolves into Mega Mewtwo Y, it becomes smaller and more closely resembles Mew as its psychic powers are heightened even further. Mewtwo also gains a drastic boost in speed and mobility, becoming much more nimble due to its smaller size, but also makes Mewtwo more physically frail.

In M.U.G.E.N, Mega Mewtwo Y has been made once by Gladiacloud & Solarflared.

Gladiacloud & Solarflared's version[]


Having achieved Mega Evolution as well as dodging a scathing review by the Alolan Rotomdex, Mega Mewtwo Y stays true to its in-game nature of being a fast, offensive powerhouse that can keep applying offensive pressure both up close and afar. Just like the source games, it's low Life stat reflects its in-game base 70 Defense, ensuring it gets taken out quickly if it leaves any holes in its offense.


See also[]

  • Mewtwo - The base form of Mega Mewtwo Y
Generation I Pokémon AlakazamBeedrillBellsproutBulbasaurCharizardCharmanderCharmeleonDiglettPoliwrathDittoDoduoEeveeFlareonGastlyGengarGyaradosHaunterJigglypuffJolteonKoffingMagikarpMagnemiteMagnetonMarowakMewtwo (Mega Y) • MukNidokingOmanyteOnixPikachuPsyduckRaichuSnorlaxWeepinbellWeezingWigglytuff
Generation II Pokémon CelebiChikoritaEnteiFeraligatrHeracrossLugiaScizorTyranitarUmbreonWobbuffet
Generation III Pokémon BlazikenBreloomDeoxysFlygonGardevoirKyogreMawileMiloticRayquazaRegiceRegisteelSceptileTorchicZangoose
Generation IV Pokémon ArceusDarkraiDialga & PalkiaGalladeGarchompGiratinaGlaceonLucarioMismagiusMunchlaxPachirisuPorygon-ZRampardosRioluRotom
Generation V Pokémon AudinoChandelureDurantKlinklangKrookodileKyuremLilligantMienshaoOshawottScolipedeSolosisStunfiskZoroark
Generation VI Pokémon ChespinClauncherGreninjaHonedgeSylveon
Generation VII Pokémon Incineroar
Humans & Misc. Pokémon Characters GhostMayMissingNo.PikamanRedTwo Two
Stages Bellchime TrailClash of the Weather TrioGateway ColosseumGlitch CityGroudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza BattleHill of the AncientsKalos Pokémon LeagueMareep GrasslandMt.CoronetOutskirt StandPokemon CenterPokémon StadiumRoute 7 - Riviere WalkRuins of AlphSpear PillarThe Meeting PlaceType Wild - Field
Super Smash Bros.
Smash 64 Characters Captain FalconDonkey KongFoxJigglypuffKirbyLinkLuigiMarioNessSamusPikachuYoshi
Melee Characters BowserDr. MarioGanondorfMarthMewtwoMr. Game & WatchPeachZeldaRoy
Brawl Characters Diddy KongKing DededeLucarioLucasMeta KnightPokémon Trainer (Charizard) • R.O.B.SnakeSonicToon LinkZero Suit SamusWario
3DS/Wii U Characters Bowser Jr.CloudDuck HuntGreninjaLittle MacMega ManPac-ManRyuWii Fit Trainer
Ultimate Characters Banjo & KazooieDaisyDark SamusIncineroarKazuya MishimaKenKing K. RoolRidleySephirothSimon BelmontSteveTerry Bogard
Boss Characters DraculaGiga BowserMaster HandMetal FacePorkyRayquazaRidley
Other Characters AshleyMetal MarioMega Mewtwo YPikamanSandbagUltimate ChimeraWario-Man
Stages BattlefieldBig BlueBoxing RingBridge of EldinBrinstarBrinstar DepthsDream LandFinal DestinationFlat ZoneFountain of DreamsFoursideGeothermal Power PlantGreat BayGreen Hill ZoneHalberd HangarJungle JapesKalos Pokémon LeagueLuigi's MansionLylat CruiseMario Bros.Mario CircuitMeta CrystalMiiverseMushroom KingdomMushroom Kingdom IIMute CityNorfairPac-LandPac-Man StagePrincess Peach's CastlePlanet ZebesPokémon StadiumRainbow RoadShadow Moses IslandSmashvilleSpear PillarStage BuilderSuper Smash Bros. Brawl - SunsetSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Melee Fighter Select ScreenSuzaku CastleThe Great Cave OffensiveWarioWare, Inc.Wii Fit StudioYoshi's Island