MUGEN Database
Namor Marvel Super War
Artwork from Marvel Super War



Oldest version

Slotman's version (2005)

Newest version

087-B's version (2020)



Namor (also known as the Sub-Mariner) is a Marvel antihero who first appeared in Motion Picture Funnies Weekly in 1939. He was one of the first Marvel heroes, being introduced at around the same time period as Captain America and the Human Torch.

Namor is the very angry, very arrogant king of Atlantas, who despises those on the surface. There have been several appearances where he was a villain, most of which being in the 60s, but he has also been an antihero, teaming up with the Defenders and most recently, the X-Men. He has taken on entire super hero teams, like the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers, and has, if not won, put up an extremely good fight. He has been depowered since these adventures though, as the maxiseries Avengers vs. X-Men had him being taken down by The Thing despite having the advantage of being underwater. He has above average strength and durability, along with limited flight with the wings on his feet.

In M.U.G.E.N, Namor has been made by various creators. Notably, unlike many other Marvel characters, Namor has never appeared in any of the Marvel vs. Capcom series of games; as a result, all versions of Namor use either custom sprites or sprites from other Marvel games such as the 1991 Sega arcade game Spider Man: The Video Game.

Slotman's version[]


Who knew the king of Altantas was so skilled in surface-based martial arts? This version of Namor is nothing more than a beefed up Kung Fu Man.


Unknown's version[]


Namor may be an egomaniac, but that doesn't mean he's not a team player. This Namor uses the help of several avengers and even a Justice League member to aid him in the battle with the surface dwellers in this iteration. He doesn't need combos to win; just really powerful moves.


Zvitor's version[]


Although a team effort, with coding by ZVitor and voice acting by Shock Dingo, the ones credited are the SGM for the custom sprites. He was made for X-Men: Second Coming and was updated for Avengers vs. X-Men, and, like many characters made for those projects, uses a modified DC vs Marvel template. His Atlantean Flood Hyper will make you realize why you don't swim during a thunderstorm.

Marvel Comics
Characters AbominationAgent VenomAnt ManApocalypseBlack PantherBlackheartBlobCableCalibanCaptain AmericaCarnageColossusDeadpoolDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeElectroGalactusGambitGhost RiderHulkIcemanInvisible WomanIron ManJuggernautMagnetoMr. FantasticNamorNick FuryNightcrawlerOmega RedOnslaughtPhoenixPyroRadioactive ManRogueSabretoothSandmanScreamSentinelSentryShe-HulkSpider-HulkSpider-ManSymbiote Spider-ManThanosThorVenomWar MachineWolverine
Stages AvalonBaxter BuildingGamma BaseMutant HuntingRhino RampageSavage LandThe DeepThe Spider's Web