MUGEN Database
MUGEN Database
Shopping District, Taiping Road
Kim Dragon VS Chun-Li


Dark Saviour
Namu ami Dabutu


Dark Saviour's version
Namu ami Dabutu's version
Chun-Li BGM CP1
All SF2 versions
Chun-Li BGM CP2





Super Jump




Shopping District, Taiping Road is a location serving as Chun-Li's home stage in Street Fighter II. Depicting what might have been the real-world market street during the time of the aforementioned game's development, it features various shops going about their daily business of selling wares to passersby, including a store with a variety of meats hanging from the ceiling, a store to the left of that selling drinks, and a salon situated to the right of the meat store with an entrance that comes out on to the side road that separates them. Combatants spar in the middle of the busy road while a number of cyclists travelling in both directions manoeuvre around them.

In M.U.G.E.N, Shopping District, Taiping Road has been created by Dark Saviour and Namu ami Dabutu.


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Street Fighter
Characters AkumaAlexBirdieBlankaCharlie NashChun-LiCodyCyber AkumaDhalsimEvil RyuGillGoukenGuileHakanIbukiIngridJuri HanKen MastersM. BisonOniPoisonRyuSagatSakura KasuganoSkullomaniaUrienVegaYunZangief
Street Fighter I Stages Block Head's PubLakeside CastleMount RushmoreRailroad Station
Street Fighter II Stages Battle HarborKapukon YuSFII Hong KongShopping District, Taiping RoadSuzaku CastleTemple Hideout
Street Fighter Alpha Stages Adon's Stage (SFA)Akuma's Stage (SFA)Charlie's Stage (SFA)Chun-Li's Stage (SFA)Dan's Stage (SFA)Guy's Stage (SFA)Ken's Stage (SFA)M. Bison's Stage (SFA)Ryu's Stage (SFA)Sagat's stage (SFA)Sodom's Stage (SFA)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Stages Australian OutbackBeijing Rush HourGouki's IslandHappy birthday, ElizaHighway InterceptionHong Kong MarketIn the eyes of BuddhaKabuki TruckerLove In VeniceMetro City, USA (SFA2)Metro City SkylineOnboard the VTOLRestroom RumpusRundown Back AlleyRussian SteelworksSakura's HouseTemple of GaneshaThai MarshVenezuela (SFA2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Stages Australian OutbackBattle Over AthensBrazilian RainforestBuddha on The RiverDesolate PlaygroundFortune Teller's PadHeavy SwellHonda's DohyouHong Kong TournamentHotel MastersIndian PartyJailbreakJamaican ClubKanzuki CruiserKiga CaveLas VegasLost CivilizationMi Casa Es Su CasaMidnight TrainwreckMilitary TrainPrepare For TakeoffRainbow RingSecret Point 48106Segataya-ku Train StationTai Chi Practice At 6:10 A.MTower of ShogunUnderground HeadquartersVictoria Harbor
Street Fighter III Stages Home, Sweet HomeKousyu StreetSuzaku Castle