MUGEN Database
MUGEN Database
There are versions of this character available that don't have their own branch articles!
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Skullomania (FEXLayer)
Artwork from Fighting EX Layer


SeanAltly & DivineWolf

Oldest version

SeanAltly & DivineWolf's version (2013)

Newest version

DEMAN's version (2013)


Street Fighter

Skullomania is a character originating from the 3D fighting game series, Street Fighter EX, which would also be his only appearance in the Street Fighter series. Skullomania also appears in the PlayStation fighting game creation game, 3D Fighter Maker, and appeared alongside his fellow EX characters in Fighting EX Layer.

In Street Fighter EX1, it is explained that Skullomania was a former salesman called Saburo Nishikoyama; his superiors didn't like his results as a salesman and he became very frustrated with the pressure, so he volunteered to dress up as a superhero at a carnival; though he soon garnered significant attention, he quickly became tired of his job, deciding to become a vigilante crime-fighter instead. Skullomania's storyline was changed in Street Fighter EX2 and its sequel for unknown reasons.

In M.U.G.E.N, Skullomania has been made by SeanAltly & DivineWolf and DEMAN; SeanAltly & DevineWolf's version uses custom sprites, while DEMAN's version uses rips from Street Fighter EX 2.

SeanAltly & DivineWolf's version[]

Skullomania Sprite

Originally created for Capcom vs. The World, this version naturally features custom sprites created by SeanAltly himself to match the game's aesthetics and features gameplay mechanics from Capcom vs. SNK 2, The King of Fighters, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III, as well as the entirely of Skullomania's Street Fighter EX moveset.

Street Fighter
Characters AkumaAlexBirdieBlankaCharlie NashChun-LiCodyCyber AkumaDhalsimEvil RyuGillGoukenGuileHakanIbukiIngridJuri HanKen MastersM. BisonOniPoisonRyuSagatSakura KasuganoSkullomaniaUrienVegaYunZangief
Street Fighter I Stages Block Head's PubLakeside CastleMount RushmoreRailroad Station
Street Fighter II Stages Battle HarborKapukon YuSFII Hong KongShopping District, Taiping RoadSuzaku CastleTemple Hideout
Street Fighter Alpha Stages Adon's Stage (SFA)Akuma's Stage (SFA)Charlie's Stage (SFA)Chun-Li's Stage (SFA)Dan's Stage (SFA)Guy's Stage (SFA)Ken's Stage (SFA)M. Bison's Stage (SFA)Ryu's Stage (SFA)Sagat's stage (SFA)Sodom's Stage (SFA)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Stages Australian OutbackBeijing Rush HourGouki's IslandHappy birthday, ElizaHighway InterceptionHong Kong MarketIn the eyes of BuddhaKabuki TruckerLove In VeniceMetro City, USA (SFA2)Metro City SkylineOnboard the VTOLRestroom RumpusRundown Back AlleyRussian SteelworksSakura's HouseTemple of GaneshaThai MarshVenezuela (SFA2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Stages Australian OutbackBattle Over AthensBrazilian RainforestBuddha on The RiverDesolate PlaygroundFortune Teller's PadHeavy SwellHonda's DohyouHong Kong TournamentHotel MastersIndian PartyJailbreakJamaican ClubKanzuki CruiserKiga CaveLas VegasLost CivilizationMi Casa Es Su CasaMidnight TrainwreckMilitary TrainPrepare For TakeoffRainbow RingSecret Point 48106Segataya-ku Train StationTai Chi Practice At 6:10 A.MTower of ShogunUnderground HeadquartersVictoria Harbor
Street Fighter III Stages Home, Sweet HomeKousyu StreetSuzaku Castle