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Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Render
Artwork from Marvel's Spider-Man 2



Oldest version


Newest version




Spider-Man is a superhero character from Marvel Comics, created by the late-great Stan Lee and appearing as the main protagonist of his self-titled series. Although many people have taken the Spider-Man mantle over the years, the most notable and original incarnation, is Peter Benjamin Parker. Peter lives with his Aunt May at Forest Hills in Queens, New York.

While visiting a public science exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials (that is sponsored by General Techtronics Corporation), Peter is bitten by a dying radioactive spider (incorrectly classed as an insect by the panel). As a result of this, Peter gains heightened athletic abilities and speed, as well as the ability to stick to walls and ceilings and also the power to sense incoming danger (which he typically refers to as "Spider Sense"). After failing to save his Uncle Ben from an attack by a petty thief, a grieving Peter is told by his dying Uncle that "With great power, comes great responsibility", which soon becomes the moniker that he swears by. Wearing a red-and-blue suit with a black spider on his chest, Peter fights crime as the Spider-Man, taking down iconic villains such as Venom, Green Goblin, and Electro.

In M.U.G.E.N, Spider-Man has been made by various creators, with most versions being based on his appearances within the Marvel vs. Capcom series.

Erradicator's version[]

Spidey idle

Everyone's friendly neighborhood superhero has made it to M.U.G.E.N with gameplay from the first Marvel vs. Capcom game. This version of the spider hero comes equipped with web strings to pummel the opponent and has the unique ability to perform smooth aerial combos. Last but not least, he also has his formal partner, Black Cat, who forms co-operation to Spiderman's absolute fullest.


Brergrsart's version[]


A joke character based on the pizza delivery missions in the Spider-Man 2 video game adaptation, Don't worry... These Pizzas are in Good Hands. is nothing less to be expected from creator Brergrsart. While Pizzas has fast frame data and high damage, his Specials hurt him more than they help him, with some doing damage to himself and others putting him in a vulnerable stun state. You probably wouldn't want this guy delivering your pizza.

Marvel Comics
Characters AbominationAgent VenomAnt ManApocalypseBlack PantherBlackheartBlobCableCalibanCaptain AmericaCarnageColossusDeadpoolDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeElectroGalactusGambitGhost RiderHulkIcemanInvisible WomanIron ManJuggernautMagnetoMr. FantasticNamorNick FuryNightcrawlerOmega RedOnslaughtPhoenixPyroRadioactive ManRogueSabretoothSandmanScreamSentinelSentryShe-HulkSpider-HulkSpider-ManSymbiote Spider-ManThanosThorVenomWar MachineWolverine
Stages AvalonBaxter BuildingGamma BaseMutant HuntingRhino RampageSavage LandThe DeepThe Spider's Web
Marvel vs. Capcom
X-Men vs Street Fighter Characters AkumaApocalypseCharlie NashChun-LiDhalsimGambitJuggernautKen MastersMagnetoM. BisonRogueRyuSabretoothWolverineZangief
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Characters BlackheartCaptain AmericaCyber AkumaHulkOmega RedSakura KasuganoSpider-Man
Marvel vs. Capcom Characters Captain CommandoJin SaotomeMega ManMorrigan AenslandOnslaughtRollVenomWar Machine
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Characters AbyssAmingoCableColossusDoctor DoomFeliciaGuileIcemanIron ManSentinelThanos
(Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Characters Albert WeskerArthurDeadpoolDoctor StrangeGalactusGhost RiderPhoenixPhoenix WrightShe-HulkThorVergilZero
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Characters Black PantherMega Man X
Stages AvalonDr. Wily's BaseGlacier RideKapukon YuNeo St. PetersburgThe Spider's Web
Full Games Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes