Before the more well-known version of the author's little sea sponge, there was this version. While this Spongebob may use the same sprites and the same Eternity of Heroes template, his moveset is very different, and he's a lot less forgiving with how he chooses to use it against opponents, especially with the projectiles he can spam.
Spongebob is a six-button character that uses the Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes template, meaning that is used for kicks and is used for punches. Because of the template used, Spongebob aims to play similarly to characters from Marvel vs. Capcom, including mechanics such as a Super Jump. Spongebob can both zone out opponents with projectiles to keep them locked down almost indefinitely and play up-close. Almost of all of Spongebob's supposed Specials and Hypers are flagged incorrectly as normal attacks, with only a few exceptions.
Spongebob's biggest strength is the ability to use his projectiles effectively. Special1 is Spongebob's greatest option due to the projectile itself coming out very fast and lacking a cooldown, just like the rest of his Specials. This means that the player can easily pressure the opponent to the corner to an infinite. While Special1's projectile speed depends on the button pressed, using the Ⓩ version is the best option as it is not only faster but also retains the same end lag for Spongebob as the other variants of Special1. With his other attacks, Hyper1 , Hyper2, and Hyper3 are great zoning tools. Hyper1 functions as a beam attack. It covers all of the horizontal range of the screen, it's quick, and it's fairly hard to avoid. However, he can get hit through the beam itself. Hyper2 also has similar benefits, but the range is more vertical. As a downside, it does less damage and is easier to predict. Hyper3 is slower and costs more power to use (2000 power), but takes away almost half of the average opponent's health. Spongebob also benefits fairly well from his hurtboxes as they aren't optimized or consistent; during some attacks and movements he will have hurtboxes, but at other times, he'll have none at all, making him completely invincible.
However, in terms of weaknesses, Spongebob's biggest is with his damage output. It's below average, with his supposed Specials doing lower amounts of damage than his normals. All Specials also do the same amounts of damage, which renders the Specials that aren't already projectiles as useless, such as Special2_C (which is a ranged melee move that can infinite you, but Special1 can do it just as well, if not quicker). However, this problem is squashed when he starts to use his Hypers.
Spongebob has a custom A.I. that attempts to pressure the opponent rather quickly with his Specials. When he gains enough power, he will most likely start to use Hyper1 and Hyper2, and due to an oversight in his A.I. coding, Spongebob can freely spam these moves repeatedly until either the opponent's life reaches zero or Spongebob decides to cancel them into a separate attack. This, combined with his lack of hurtboxes, can make Spongebob quite a challenge for most inexperienced players.
Hovering the mouse cursor over the Command Input icons will display text that refers to the inputs set in M.U.G.E.N's Key Config.
Icons encased in square brackets [ ] require the respective button(s) to be held down. Hovering the mouse cursor over the icon displays the hold duration if applicable.