The Super Jump is an enhanced jump that can send the player higher and further than a normal jump can, usually signified by a blue or yellow afterimage and/or a distinctive sound effect. The term originates from various Capcom produced games, most notably the Marvel vs. Capcom series.
The most common activation method of a Super Jump is to hold for a certain amount of time, release, and quickly press
. A lesser-known version has the player press
, and
all at the same time.
A form of Super Jump also exists in The King of Fighters series. Unlike their Vs. Series counterparts, these Super Jumps can only be done with [] followed by
; ending the input with
will only result in a normal jump. While still allowing the player to jump higher than a normal jump, this version of the Super Jump sacrifices the vertical reach of their Vs Series counterparts for additional horizontal range, allowing the player to travel across the screen much faster.
See: Characters with a Super Jump
- Any character that uses the Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes template
- Applejack
- Banshee
- Bastion
- Batman
- Beavis (Aperson98's version only)
- Bender
- Bizarro
- Blossom
- Butt-head (WlanmaniaX's version only)
- Cable
- Captain America (all variations)
- Captain Commando
- Carnage
- Cyber Akuma
- Cyber Dan
- Cyber Ken
- Cyclops
- Dan
- Daniel
- Deadpool
- Dib
- Doctor Doom
- Eric
- Evil Ryu
- Gallade
- Giant Chicken
- Gumball Watterson
- Harry Potter
- Holy Ken
- Holy Ryu
- Homer Simpson
- Hulk (all variations)
- Iron Man
- Isaiah Bradley
- Jedah Dohma
- Jetgoshi
- Luke Skywalker
- Luigi (Including Shinryoga's Super Luigi, Pingurules' Luigi Segami and Fighting Luigi)
- Luna Himeki
- Lyndis
- Magneto
- Marge Simpson
- Mario (Including Shinryoga's Super Mario, Fighting Mario and SSBB Mario)
- Master Shake
- Mb02
- Microsoft Sam
- Mima
- Mordecai (Madoldcrow1105's version only)
- Muscle Man
- Nicole Watterson
- Miku Hatsune
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Mr. Bean (WlanmaniaX's version only)
- Ms. Marvel
- Oshawott
- Peter Griffin
- Petra Johanna Lagerkvist
- Pyro
- Rambo
- Rigby (WlanmaniaX and Madoldcrow1105's versions only)
- Rocko (WlanmaniaX's version only)
- Samus Aran
- Sean
- Sener
- Sentinel
- Sentry
- Shadow Sumo
- Shocker
- Shuma-Gorath
- Strong Bad
- Sonic Machine
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Miles "Tails" Prower (BowserKoopa)
- Ultron
- U.S. Agent
- Venom (all variations excluding Bask's)
- Violent Ken
- Waluigi
- Wasp
- Weiss
- Wolverine
- Wolvenom
- Zim (WlanmaniaX's version only)
- Yuranto70