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Terry Bogard
Artwork from The King of Fighters XV



Oldest version


Newest version

TornilloOxidado's version (2023)


Fatal Fury

Terry Bogard is one of three main protagonists of the Fatal Fury series along with his brother Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi. Terry is also a recurring playable character and possible opponent in The King of Fighters series. A gender-swapped version of Terry also appears as a playable character in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy.

After witnessing his adoptive father, Jeff Bogard, being brutally murdered by Geese Howard, Terry swore revenge, being taken under the wing of Tung Fu Rue, Jeff and Geese's former master, who taught him martial arts. Along with his brother, Andy Bogard, and his friend, Joe Higashi, they entered Geese's King of Fighters tournament, where Terry finally defeats Geese.

In M.U.G.E.N, Terry has been made by various authors, with many of them basing him off his various appearances.

Mouser's version (CVS)[]

Terry CvS Standing Animation

Judging by the date of release, this could very well be one of the first conversions from the first Capcom vs. SNK game. Being that renowned Japanese author Mouser converted this version of Terry, it plays pretty accurate to said game - at least for the time.


Falchion22's version[]


This version of Terry is based off Fatal Fury Special, and as such, plays akin to said game. However, it doesn't replicate the plane system in said game, like most other conversions from said game. There are also no shortcut buttons.


Mouser's version (KOF2K3)[]

KOF2K3 Terry Stance

Among Mouser's various attempts to convert Terry Bogard to M.U.G.E.N is a 2004 conversion from The King of Fighters 2003, possibly marking one of the first conversions from said game. In exchange for a missing Hyper, the character has a new level 2 Hyper. Many of these Hypers have certain bugs, though.


Rin & Bat's version[]

Ff1 terry stance

This version of Terry is based off the Japanese version of the very first Fatal Fury game. It feels quite retro and is quite accurate to said game, featuring the same commands and movements. It might not be able to combo, but it still has a high damage output.


Vyn's first version[]


While seemingly based off Capcom vs. SNK 2, Vyn's first incarnation of the wild wolf has various differences, such as new hitsparks, Specials and Hypers. Through and through, it still plays like a character from said game, with a six button layout and various other elements, sans the entire groove system.


Duende Macabro's version[]

Terry KOF 94 Stance

Duende Macabro's take on SNK's veteran fighter is based off "King of Fighters 94" and even has an aggressive A.I.


Ironmugen's version (94)[]


Unlike the other characters released in Ironmugen's character pack, this version of Terry is styled after King of Fighters '94, and as such plays similar to said game. However, like the creator's other characters, it takes liberties from the source game, with different sounds, effects, and most prominently, a more conventional power gauge.


Ironmugen's version (95)[]

Terry KOF95 Stance

Ironmugen made two versions of Terry. This praticular version is based off "King of Fighters '95" and is apparently in a beta release. It still has all the moves from the source game and is still rather fun to play as.


GM's version[]

Garou Terry Stance

When it comes to accuracy, GM is a crack shot. That's why this wild wolf is a popular choice for many M.U.G.E.Nites.


OMEGAPSYCHO's version[]


Despite using sprites from Fatal Fury Special, this version of Terry takes as custom route compared to the other versions. It has gameplay from Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, with an expanded six button layout and completely different commands for some of its moves. Pressing Start opens up a movelist screen, not unlike the creator's other characters.



Fatal Fury
Characters Axel HawkGeese HowardKim KaphwanMai ShiranuiRyo SakazakiTerry Bogard
Full Games Art of Fury
The King of Fighters
Orochi Saga Characters Geese HowardHeavy D!Iori YagamiKim KaphwanKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLucky GlauberMai ShiranuiRobert GarciaRugal BernsteinRyo SakazakiShermieShingo YabukiTerry BogardYuri Sakazaki
NESTS Saga Characters K'King LionKula DiamondKyo-1Vanessa
Ash Saga Characters Ash CrimsonHuman SaikiMr. Karate
Other Characters Gustab MunchausenMakoto MizoguchiNakoruru
Stages Black NoahDestroyed Rose StadiumKOF XII Stadium NightMisted Rose StadiumSky NoahThe Cloister of JudgementThe Different SpaceThe Final Hall
SNK vs. Capcom
Capcom vs. SNK Characters AkumaBlankaChun-LiDhalsimEvil RyuGeese HowardGuileIori YagamiKen MastersKim KaphwanKyo KusanagiM. BisonMai ShiranuiMorrigan AenslandNakoruruRugal BernsteinRyo SakazakiRyuRyuhaku TodoSagatSakura KasuganoTerry BogardVegaYuri SakazakiYunZangief
SNK vs. Capcom Characters Demitri MaximoffFeliciaLeona HeidernMr. KarateZero
Full Games SNK vs. Capcom EX
Super Smash Bros.
Smash 64 Characters Captain FalconDonkey KongFoxJigglypuffKirbyLinkLuigiMarioNessSamusPikachuYoshi
Melee Characters BowserDr. MarioGanondorfMarthMewtwoMr. Game & WatchPeachZeldaRoy
Brawl Characters Diddy KongKing DededeLucarioLucasMeta KnightPokémon Trainer (Charizard) • R.O.B.SnakeSonicToon LinkZero Suit SamusWario
3DS/Wii U Characters Bowser Jr.CloudDuck HuntGreninjaLittle MacMega ManPac-ManRyuWii Fit Trainer
Ultimate Characters Banjo & KazooieDaisyDark SamusIncineroarKazuya MishimaKenKing K. RoolRidleySephirothSimon BelmontSteveTerry Bogard
Boss Characters DraculaGiga BowserMaster HandMetal FacePorkyRayquazaRidley
Other Characters AshleyMetal MarioMega Mewtwo YPikamanSandbagUltimate ChimeraWario-Man
Stages BattlefieldBig BlueBoxing RingBridge of EldinBrinstarBrinstar DepthsDream LandFinal DestinationFlat ZoneFountain of DreamsFoursideGeothermal Power PlantGreat BayGreen Hill ZoneHalberd HangarJungle JapesKalos Pokémon LeagueLuigi's MansionLylat CruiseMario Bros.Mario CircuitMeta CrystalMiiverseMushroom KingdomMushroom Kingdom IIMute CityNorfairPac-LandPac-Man StagePrincess Peach's CastlePlanet ZebesPokémon StadiumRainbow RoadShadow Moses IslandSmashvilleSpear PillarStage BuilderSuper Smash Bros. Brawl - SunsetSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Fighter Select ScreenSuper Smash Bros. Melee Fighter Select ScreenSuzaku CastleThe Great Cave OffensiveWarioWare, Inc.Wii Fit StudioYoshi's Island