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Venom (Marvel's Spider-Man 2) - Render
Artwork from Marvel's Spider-Man 2



Oldest version

Carnificina's version (2000)

Newest version

JJkoolaid's version (2019)



Venom is a character from Marvel Comics, where he originated as one of many villains within the Spider-Man series. A sentient alien parasite with a liquid-like form, it survives by bonding with a typically human host, granting them powers similar to Spider-Man's, albeit much more powerful and deadly.

After his debut in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May 1984), where he bonds with Spider-Man himself - before he discovers its true nature and rejects it - the symbiote eventually comes into contact with Eddie Brock, the most famous host and also the first to adopt the "Venom" moniker. As Eddie Brock, his initial goal was to get revenge on Peter Parker for ruining his journalism career, although later iterations of the character have since evolved him into more of an anti-hero figure trying to do his own form of good. On several instances, Venom has even put aside his differences with Spider-Man and helped him to take down greater threats (such as Carnage).

In M.U.G.E.N, there are many versions of Venom, with the most notable being made by the late Juan Carlos (which was updated by Magus), Big Eli King (XCB), and T.O.P.S.

Juan Carlos's version[]


One of the earliest versions of Venom to appear in M.U.G.E.N was made by the late Juan Carlos. It is quite buggy like many earlier characters, but still works and plays decent today.


Big Eli King's versionThis version has been edited[]


As a hybrid of the first two Marvel vs. Capcom games, this Venom has everything needed to fit what's left of Spider-Wuss into a spider-sized matchbox. If that wasn't enough, he can change into Venom EX in the midst of battle to spice things up, while many of his aesthetics, such as palettes, have been altered from their original sources.


Sludge's version[]


While it is still an ordinary version of Venom at its core, it manages to have an extra hyper. It was also included in Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes.


Kong's versionThis version has been edited[]


Like Kong's other characters, this symbiote crook attempts to emulate Marvel vs. Capcom 2. It also contains adjustable A.I levels.


Unkoman's version[]


This editon of Venom seems to be based off of Marvel vs. Capcom 2, having its moves from said game. It also features new fancy Hyper effects.


T.O.P.S, spaceman and Angelus_Silverhead's version[]


Most Venom characters attempt to be accurate to the Marvel vs. Capcom games. Not this one. This one is going end the lives of many weak spoil-sports who will go up against its custom gameplay and sprites.



  • Sander71113 stated in the readme of his Wolverine that he had a version of Venom in development. He cancelled it due to boredom and the lack of decent Wolverine conversions.
Marvel Comics
Characters AbominationAgent VenomAnt ManApocalypseBlack PantherBlackheartBlobCableCalibanCaptain AmericaCarnageColossusDeadpoolDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeElectroGalactusGambitGhost RiderHulkIcemanInvisible WomanIron ManJuggernautMagnetoMr. FantasticNamorNick FuryNightcrawlerOmega RedOnslaughtPhoenixPyroRadioactive ManRogueSabretoothSandmanScreamSentinelSentryShe-HulkSpider-HulkSpider-ManSymbiote Spider-ManThanosThorVenomWar MachineWolverine
Stages AvalonBaxter BuildingGamma BaseMutant HuntingRhino RampageSavage LandThe DeepThe Spider's Web
Marvel vs. Capcom
X-Men vs Street Fighter Characters AkumaApocalypseCharlie NashChun-LiDhalsimGambitJuggernautKen MastersMagnetoM. BisonRogueRyuSabretoothWolverineZangief
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Characters BlackheartCaptain AmericaCyber AkumaHulkOmega RedSakura KasuganoSpider-Man
Marvel vs. Capcom Characters Captain CommandoJin SaotomeMega ManMorrigan AenslandOnslaughtRollVenomWar Machine
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Characters AbyssAmingoCableColossusDoctor DoomFeliciaGuileIcemanIron ManSentinelThanos
(Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Characters Albert WeskerArthurDeadpoolDoctor StrangeGalactusGhost RiderPhoenixPhoenix WrightShe-HulkThorVergilZero
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Characters Black PantherMega Man X
Stages AvalonDr. Wily's BaseGlacier RideKapukon YuNeo St. PetersburgThe Spider's Web
Full Games Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes

